Frédéric Bôl re-elected President of ASPIM
Frédéric Bôl was re-elected President of the Association française des Sociétés de Placement Immobilier (ASPIM). His new mandate will run for two years.
Following its general assembly which took place on Tuesday 12 June 2018, the board of directors of ASPIM unanimously elected Frédéric Bôl for a new two-year term mandate to chair the Association.
Frédéric Bôl will be assisted in his mandate by an Office, the governing body responsible to make sure that the decisions of the Board of Directors are implemented, to follow-up on and supervise the actions and to prepare the stances of the Association. There was a reshuffling in the Office at this occasion and from now on, it includes the Vice President, Isabelle Rossignol (AEW Ciloger), the Treasurer, Thierry Gaiffe (Fiducial Gérance), and four other members, Jean-Marc Coly (Amundi Immobilier), Grégory Frapet (Primonial REIM) Florence Dourdet-Franzoni (Unofi Gestion d’actifs) and Dominique Paulhac (HSBC REIM).
On the occasion of his appointment, Frédéric Bôl thanked the administrators of ASPIM of their trust and stated the intent that the Association will follow and consolidate the road map promulgated on the occasion of his first mandate :
- the strengthening of the Association’s communication as representative of a professional sector beneficial to the French economy and society, notably through digital tools;
- the insourcing of the collection and processing of data related to funds managed by members of the Association with ASPIM moreover planning to support academic research applied to real estate;
- the integration of associated members of ASPIM, active expert providers within the ecosystem of members;
- the promotion of the financing of social assets as an illustration of socio-economic virtues of funds represented by ASPIM (SRI label of real estate funds, home-buyer’s savings funds);
- the creation of a European lobbying of real estate funds;
- the development of a training service suitable for the needs of members, notably in the field of innovation in the fund investment management techniques.
The composition of the Board of Directors on 12 June 2018:
The President : Mr Frédéric Bôl (SWISS LIFE REIM FRANCE)
The administrators:
- AEW CILOGER represented by Mrs Isabelle Rossignol
- AVIVA INVESTORS REAL ESTATE France represented by Mr François Grandvoinnet
- AMUNDI IMMOBILIER represented by Mr Jean-Marc Coly
- BNP PARIBAS REIM represented by Mrs Sigrid Duhamel
- FIDUCIAL GERANCE represented by Mr Thierry Gaiffe
- FONCIA PIERRE GESTION represented by Mrs Danielle François-Brazier
- HSBC REIM France represented by Mr Dominique Paulhac,
- IMMOVALOR GESTION represented by Mr Jean-Pierre Quatrhomme
- LA FRANCAISE REIM represented by Mr Marc Bertrand
- PERIAL ASSET MANAGEMENT represented by Mr Eric Cosserat
- PRIMONIAL REIM represented by Mr Grégory Frapet
- SOFIDY represented by Mr Jean-Marc Peter
- UNOFI GESTION D'ACTIFS represented by Mrs Florence Dourdet-Franzoni