ASPIM Members

Why become a member?

ASPIM is a professional association representing and supporting the real estate investment fund interests (notably the SCPI and OPCI). Created more than 40 years ago, today it has about a hundred members: management companies and other professionals of the real estate ecosystem (lawyers, consultants, auditors and experts).

Becoming a member of ASPIM means benefitting from the following services and advantages:

  • The association’s influence and privileged access to decision-makers
  • Developing and facilitating networking and exchange of market practices (via the extranet)
  • Having privileged access to information and to documentation relating to the real estate ecosystem (consultations, research, market positions, statistics)
  • Participating in the work of the standing committees and working groups dedicated to dealing with matters of the profession
  • Attending information meetings on hot topics and brainstorming meetings on how the sector is developing
  • Benefitting from a legal, regulatory and fiscal surveillance thanks to the quarterly newsletters
  • Being informed of the latest news in the sector by the weekly press review

Portfolio Management Companies (PMC)

Portfolio Management Companies, having been approved by the Authorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF) for real estate asset management, are admitted as Members of the Association after the authorisation of the Board of Directors, hereinafter referred to as “the real estate investment fund management company”. The scope of activity of these companies extends to the management of:

  • real estate investment trusts (SCPI), mentioned in the articles L. 214-86 et seq. of the monetary and financial Code;
  • real estate collective investment schemes (OPCI), mentioned in the articles L. 214-33 et seq. of the monetary and financial Code and professional real estate collective investment schemes (OPPCI), mentioned in articles L. 214-148 et seq. of the monetary and financial Code;
  • and any other real estate, land, agricultural, vineyard, forest asset management vehicle whatever its legal form is.

How to become a member:

If you have any questions please contact Alexandra Pichou to 01 44 90 60 00

The Correspondent Experts

In addition to real estate investment fund management companies, other entities can apply to become members of ASPIM.

Hence, entites accompanying the activity of professionals in the sector, and wishing to be involved in the work led by ASPIM (such as lawyers, consultants, auditors and experts) can submit an application for a membership as « Correspondent Expert ».

To do so, these entities would need the recommendation of the Chairman or the Executive Officer after the approval of the Board of Directors.

How to become a member:

ASPIM's members list (CE) :

If you have any questions please contact Cyril Karam on 01 44 90 60 00