Recognized as benchmark on Equity Indexes, MSCI also has a range of Indexes on Private Real Estate. Operating in more than 32 countries, MSCI Real Estate Indexes are the most widely recognized measure of Real Estate performance around the world.
In France, at December 2018, MSCI has a hedge of more than 140 billion Euros in marketable securities, equivalent to more than 5,500 assets.
MSCI Real Estate offers two services:
- MSCI Real Estate Global Intel: A Real Estate market data service on more than 60 performance metrics and in 1,900 geographic and sector segments
- MSCI Real Estate Enterprise Analytics: A portfolio analysis service vs. an appropriate benchmark
MSCI OPCI Biannual Property Fund Index
In partnership with ASPIM, MSCI also offers a performance index on OPPCI vehicles, called the MSCI OPCI Biannual Property Fund Index. In the first half of 2018, it had 60 OPCI Professionals, with a gross value of 22.5 billion Euros.
The MSCI OPCI Biannual Property Fund Index measures the overall return on the NAV of institutional OPCIs bi-annually.
MSCI organizes, along with ASPIM, an annual Committee of the Index which discusses : the explanation of the results, the methodological subjects and the evolution of the perimeter of the funds composing the Index. The members of the Committee are actors in the environment of OPCI vehicles (Management Company, Custodians, Auditors).
For more information on MSCI products, please contact Esthel Lougrat (; +